Synoptic Reporting Experience

With the Synoptic Reporting Experience we intend to involve doctors and healthcare workers from across the country in the experience experimented by customers who have already chosen to step into the future of reporting with the futuristic Data Driven Synoptic Reporting System, which synergistically combines known data and processing AI to guide faster, more content-rich and more precise ergonomic reporting


This innovative product was created with the aim of connecting the Hospital Information Systems applications that produce reports and the SmartReports Synoptic editor to implement an Integrated Synoptic Reporting System.
The Synoptic Reporting System represents an important step for healthcare facilities as it allows to connect the hospital and research worlds, generating a continuous and unified clinical and scientific cycle based on data aimed at strengthening, accelerating and improving the search for new therapies benefit of patient care.


This methodology revolutionizes information management, allowing the creation of extractable data at the source when doctors create a report.
In this way the document and the data it contains can be used to feed a Data Lake dedicated to scientific research and in-depth analyses.


Synoptic reporting reduces interpretation errors, improves data consistency, assists physicians and licensed healthcare professionals in creating quality reports in a time-efficient manner, while generating extractable data.


Data is the main pillar of revolutionary and disruptive solutions in the healthcare world, improving clinical reports to guide and optimize care processes.